Information about COVID-19 in March 2020

Key Points

  • Limit Exposure, Keep Your Kids Home If You Are Not Working.
  • Anticipated that 56% of California will be infected soon.
  • To assure we can operate as long as possible No Sick Kids Allowed.
  • Our duty is to protect every child, and prevent spreading the virus.
  • Kids May be Exposed at Daycare.
  • Ways we can shut down.

Well, So far we have seen a huge increase in COVID-19 infections. It is fair to say this feels to feel like a bigger burden each day that passes. 

Let’s be optimistic and stay positive. 

Daycares in Palmdale are feeling like we are right now, nervous. Not knowing what is ahead is frightening, we know some of our families have essential jobs in the community, but we ask that if you are staying home, please keep your kiddos home.

We cannot assure you that we will not catch the coronavirus, it can also be said that we cannot be sure if you might contract it and bring it to daycare; so sorry, but it’s true. Our duty right now is to limit exposure by taking drastic measures. 

Currently here are the stats of the spread of Covid-19 as of May 11, 2020. 

Prior recorded Stats of  Covid-19: March 22, 2020. 

California Governor is afraid that this number will rise dramatically, It is projected that 56% of California’s population will be infected with Covid-19. 

This is worrisome, and I ask myself if I may be a little over dramatic, but I’m sorry I have never lived through something like this before so I prefer to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I know you all agree with me on that. 

Where are we at?

Daycare is an essential service to our community, so as for right now we will continue to support our working families for as long as we can. Hopefully, we get through this without having to close, but only time will tell.

Why would we close?

  • If we become sick.
  • If a child comes to daycare sick.
  • If a parent is sick with Covid-19.
  • If the state shuts us down
  • If the Federal Gov shut us down
  • If the city shuts daycares down

It’s all about direct contact and the Government so the above scenarios  would put us at risk in contracting or being exposed to the virus and the Government taking further action to combat it. 

That is why we have to take drastic measures. It is why at this moment we can not accept any kids that have any symptoms or are sick.

Our goal is to be there to support parents that are first responders and others with essential jobs. 

During these times of uncertainty, we must be patient and supportive to one another. Our duty to our daycare families is to protect every child. We know this is frustrating but please during this time we ask that you

  • Keep your child home if they’re sick.
  • If you need to work, but have another parent or relative that is not working leave them with them. 
  • Keep them home if you or any other person in your family is sick

We are cleaning and disinfecting more than ever. We are washing hands often, and screen every child when they arrive. 

We believe taking these measures will allow us to continue to stay open. If this gets worse then I think we will have to make the decision as a moral and civic duty to our local community, but for now we are taking it day by day.

If anything changes you will be the first to know.

If you are looking for a fun loving daycare, you can now say “There’s an amazing daycare near me !” We are located in Palmdale and have been serving our community since 2005. Join our daycare family today!

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