Hey it’s 2021! We made it through another year, and one that we shall always remember. Last year was challenging being scared of what would come and not having any clarity of the future did not help. It was a challenge especially not being able to do all the fun things we are usually accustomed too like going on field trips, having celebrations and our much anticipated Christmas program. Yeah we had big plans in 2020 and it kinda just all came to a halt because of Covid. Even then I have to say that 2020 was a year of learning for us. It was a year where we all looked at each other and can relate to one thing we were all going through together. I can’t begin to tell you how much I love my families, and amazing kiddos. We were lucky to have such an understanding and supportive group of parents, our daycare community is making it through this because of all of your cooperation in working together to get through this. So, happy 2021 and may it be the best year ever! Love, Ms. Monique